Another busy week in paradise!

Another busy week in paradise!
Will at work on his school project

Friday, May 9, 2008

Sol "practicing" his driving skills

It's been a busy (and tiring) week so I have missed out on 'blogging.' To catch up a bit, Will showed up last weekend for our normal visitation weekend with three cans of spray paint in hand saying that he needed to build a "bomb" or "rocket" for a school project over the weekend! That was not something I had figured into our busy weekend plans! However, on Sunday, while Sol and his buddy, Nick, went swimming and practiced driving (without asking permission!)--around our yard (don't tell Joe!), Will spent some time building a rocket. (I hope to hear that he made the grade!)
We did enjoy a fun-filled weekend with Sol and Will's friend Nick visiting. Will had been wanting to go see the movie "Ironman" so we did--Saturday night--while my hubby stayed home to study for Sunday school (at least, that's what he told me--ha! Really, though, he is teaching this quarter.) Anyway, it was a really good movie, I thought, but did you know that it cost $9 a ticket now?! I guess it has been awhile since we went to the full-price movie--normally we try to make the last matinee --the cheaper movie time!
The tiring part of the week was from the work atmosphere--very busy phones this week--well, it is almost always "busy" but it was unusually so this week. Our bankers here, who are in the bond-selling business, sold a 500 million dollar bond deal this week--which is huge by any standard but especially in the bond business! (From what I understand, that was the biggest bond deal in the country being sold that day!! Pretty cool, huh?!) Well, let me just say, I felt it! I was in bed and asleep every night by or before 9:00! Anyway, as they say, T.G.I.F.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Navy Memorial

Sol and Will (l to r) in front of the U.S. Navy Memorial following our visit to the N. M. Museum. (Since Sol these days is seriously considering a career in one of the military services, he seemed to find the museum quite facisinating!)

Open-Top Bus Tour in Washington, D.C.

We recently enjoyed a fabulous trip to Washington, D.C. for Will and Sol's "Spring Break" week from school--the week of April 14-(actually, the 15th - 20th was the duration of our trip.) One of our first excursions there sightseeing was on an Open-Top Bus (cannot recall the exact name)--it had an enclosed bottom as a normal bus does but then the top of the bus was open--and sitting way up high! (We actually got 'whacked' by several tree limbs while riding throughout the city!!) It was an unbelievably beautiful day--the sky was perfectly clear and bright blue--and the temp was almost perfect as well. Sol and Will were cooperative about going along with what I had planned for us (well, pretty much!)

Sol and Will's Tae Kwon Do Testing--March '08